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Frequently asked questions

Pregnant Woman Enjoying her Drink

I am pregnant, can I take apixaban?

No, you should tell your doctor if you are pregnant, or trying to get pregnant before taking apixaban (1).

It can be harmful to your baby (1).

Yes, you can take paracetamol whilst taking apixaban but do not take ibuprofen or aspirin(1).They increase the risk of bleeding(1). 

Sanitizing Products

Can I take paracetamol with apixaban?

Drinking Martinis

Can I drink alcohol with apixaban?

Yes, as long as you do not drink more than 14 alcohol units a week, as recommended (1). Binge drinking a lot of alcohol in one sitting can be dangerous when you are taking apixaban, and can increase the chances of bleeding (1). 




Take your missed apixaban as soon as you realise, unless it is time for your next dose(1). Do not double dose, take your next tablet and continue(1). 

Old Alarm Clock

What happens if I miss a tablet?

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