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How is Apixaban toxic to my liver?

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Symptoms of Liver toxicity

- Abdominal pain

- weakness 

- mild jaundice 


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Apixaban is broken down by an enzyme in the liver. Other drugs such as ritonavir (used to treat HIV), itraconazole (used to treat thrush), and clarithromycin (used to treat bacterial infections), can prevent these enzymes from working(9).


If apixaban is taken alongside either of those drugs, it can lead to elevated levels of apixaban in the body as it is not being broken down by the enzymes(9). This can cause inflammation and increased levels of other liver enzymes, which can damage the cells of the liver (10)

How do I manage or prevent liver toxicity?


  • While taking apixaban have follow ups after 1 month, then every 3 months with the doctor(6). Check for bleeding/anaemia(6).

  • If you experience symptoms of liver toxicity stop taking Apixaban with immediate effect(6).

  • Measurements of your liver enzymes and function should be taken frequently(6).



  • Do not take Apixaban with previous liver injury as it puts you at higher risk of liver toxicity(6)

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